All-Weather Fishing with MegaBass Jerkbaits

Situated in the heart of the Ozarks, Sportsman’s Factory Outlet knows a thing or two about bass fishing. Thanks to some specialty jerkbaits that are great for catching fish in colder waters, bass fishing is no longer limited to the warmer months, which is good news for those of us who don’t see fishing as a fair-weather sport.

Types of Jerkbaits Offered by MegaBass

The versatile MegaBass Vision 110 jerkbaits (including the Suspending and Silent Riser series) come in a broad array of colors that can be thrown in various water clarity conditions to catch bass of varying levels of activity. These baits can attract bass in colder waters (38-70 degrees) that are shallow, deep, murky, or clear.

The Vision 110 cannot be discounted for bass fishing in warmer water, however, and is a great lure to fish off points, bluffs, banks, docks and in shallow grassy patches where fish like to hide. The Vision 110 is most effective when thrown in water that has a good breeze hitting it and less than 10 feet of visibility. Its balancers make sound to draw fish from a distance. The 110 Silent Riser is just like the Vision 110 but makes no noise, so it is perfect to use in calm, sunny fishing conditions.

Tips and Tricks for Using Jerkbaits

Like any jerkbait, the Vision 110 lures mimic wounded shad when properly retrieved with a jerking action. To create the jerking action, cast the bait then point the tip down toward it. Reel the bait to a shallow depth of around two to five feet and then snap it sharply about a foot downward toward the water. Bring the rod back toward the bait immediately after this jerking action, and then reel in the slack before jerking the bait repeatedly in this manner. The bait should move from side to side with long pauses between jerking motions to appear like a wounded shad. If you are fishing in warmer waters, a faster retrieve with shorter pauses will catch the attention of smallmouth bass. We recommend experimenting with different jerk-pause ratios to find what works best for you.

It is best to use an eight to 15 lb. line on a light to medium action rod with a light, fast tip. The light tip is important to keep the jerking action smoother so it appears more natural. If you decide to use monofilament, a light action rod will work, but a medium action rod will give you more control if you prefer it. If you want more sensitivity but the same lure action you would get with monofilament, use a super fishing line like Berkley Fireline with a light action rod.

The length of the rod depends on the angler as well. If you are using a spinning reel or want a shorter rod because of the downward angle of which the rod must be pointed, try a five to 5 ½ foot rod. For more control and farther casting power, a seven-foot rod will do. If you plan to cast far distances, a baitcaster is preferable over a spinning reel because it can accomplish this task easier. Another benefit of the seven-foot rod is that it allows the drag to be tightened (since the drag should be fairly loose).

The beauty of the MegaBass Vision 110 jerkbaits is that they are versatile. After a little experimenting and practice with these lures, they will surely become mainstays in your tackle box.

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